Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State (OSS) 2017 Municipal and School General Election Results ---------------------------------------------------- - The filenames given below are used on the ftp site, and the mediafileids are part of the URLs on the Election Night Reporting website. - The files on OSS web and ftp sites contain ASCII text, separated by semicolons. - Information in the supporting files is subject to correction and change up until election day. - Election results may change after being reported initially on election night. - Files with precinct-level results will not be available until the morning after election day. - For questions, contact OSS Elections Division at Last revised 6/8/2017 ---------------------------------------------------- Election Results Files ---------------------------------------------------- Results are formatted in flat files which have one row for each candidate and question response in each geographic area (statewide, county, district, or precinct, depending on the file). Election Results (various names and mediafileids) State County ID (if applicable) Precinct name (if applicable) Office ID Office Name District* Candidate ID Candidate Name (First/Last/Suffix all in one field) Suffix (not used) Incumbent Code (not used) Party Abbreviation Number of Precincts reporting Total number of precincts voting for the office Votes for Candidate Percentage of Votes for Candidate out of Total Votes for Office Total number of votes for Office in area *Note: The District field is used for U.S. Representative, State Senate, State Representative, and County Commissioner districts; District Court; school district numbers; municipal FIPS codes; soil and water conservation district codes, and hospital district codes. The District field is not used for statewide offices (U.S. President, U.S. Senate, Governor, Secretary of State, State Auditor, Attorney General, Supreme Court, Court of Appeals), county-wide offices, or city wards. ---------------------------------------------------- Precinct Voting Statistics (pctstats.txt, mediafileid 93) State County ID Precinct ID Precinct Name Has Reported Statistics (1 = yes, 0 = no) Number of Voters Registered as of 7:00 a.m. Election Day Number of Voters that Registered on Election Day Number of Signatures on the Polling Place Roster Number of Regular, Military, and Overseas Absentee Ballots Number of Federal-Only Absentee Ballots Number of President-Only Absentee Ballots Total Number Voted ---------------------------------------------------- Supporting Tables for Election ---------------------------------------------------- Parties (PartyTbl.txt, mediafileid 5) Party Abbreviation Party Name Party ID ---------------------------------------------------- Counties (CntyTbl.txt, mediafileid 6) County ID County Name Number of precincts ---------------------------------------------------- Precincts (PrctTbl.txt, mediafileid 4) County ID Precinct ID Precinct Name Congressional District Legislative District County Commissioner District Judicial District Soil and Water Conservation District MCD FIPS code School District number (not used in statewide elections) ---------------------------------------------------- Local Candidates in the Election (LocalCandTbl.txt, mediafileid 3) Candidate ID (thirteen characters) Candidate Name (First/Last/Suffix all in one field) Office ID Office Title County ID (88 = statewide or multi-county race) MCD FIPS Code, if applicable School District Number, if applicable Note: Party is omitted since all local candidates are non-partisan. ---------------------------------------------------- Local Candidates - Address Information (LocalCandDetails.txt, mediafileid 12) Candidate ID (thirteen characters) Candidate Name (First/Last/Suffix all in one field) Office ID Office Title County ID (88 = statewide or multi-county race) MCD FIPS Code, if applicable School District Number, if applicable Residence Street Address Residence City Residence State Residence Zip Campaign Address Campaign City Campaign State Campaign Zip Campaign Phone Campaign Website Campaign Email Note: Party is omitted since all local candidates are non-partisan. Note: Semicolons in address fields have been replaced with the caret (^) character ---------------------------------------------------- Ballot Questions (BallotQuestions.txt, mediafileid 11) County ID Office ID MCD FIPS Code, if applicable School District Number, if applicable Question Number Question Title Question Body ---------------------------------------------------- School Districts (SchoolDistTbl.txt, mediafileid 18) School District Number School District Name County ID County Name ---------------------------------------------------- Municipalities (mcdtbl.txt, mediafileid 87) County ID County Name MCD FIPS Code Municipality Name